Shadows of Life

"Welcome to my personal space. Please read, enjoy and don't forget to comment - Life is too short to wake up with regrets."

I miss my love - Do you?

17:33 Posted by Shadows of life

Isnt it is so funny that how someone looses all her powers, wit, life, emotions and what not when she goes in front of the person she loves? When she see that he is sitting online on the other side, when she notices he is so happy in his life and she is all alone and sad...

Isnt its funny to see how someone just miss the life cos she love HIM?

Oh well...I guess that what love makes you - Weak (kamzor)

I still love my love and at this point I rather not say that to him...oh well!!! what a life...ha ha ha

bus yun bhara tha to likh daala...


1 Signature:

Sunriser. said...

One surrenders onself to God to carry one across the sea .. keep the faith , surrender in totality and let him carry you over to the other side in his arms.