Truth OR Need
It was first night of their wedding. They were still unknown to each other. They met through the meeting their parents arranged. He seemed to be a shy guy with tendency to live on his own, in to his own world. She was a very obedient daughter of unwanted parents.
Marriage was the only way out for him; the way for keeping the crap out of his life, given by his own tradition parents. Marriage was the only way out for her to the broad world out of parents house. She had hopes, she had dreams, he had dreams and he knew how to get hopes. She needed approval of her new husband, to be the one she always wanted to be. He needed to be truthful to be the one he actually was - a man!
He came in to the bed room. She was sitting on bed, wearing her wedding dress, with anticipations and unexpected fears. Her shoulders went deep in to her chest. The rush feeling of blushing took over her, when he touched her face. While they both were looking in to each others eyes, he started the talk, 'listen I'm your husband now and you have to follow me from now on, no other person matters in your life anymore.' She looked down to her feet, blushing feeling was gone, cheeks were still red. He continued, ' Listen to what I'm telling you now, remember clearly to keep it to you and only you, get that?' She nodded yes. He said,'I have no interest in women because I am a gay, so don't expect anything from me, cause you are not gonna get it, okay? She had her eyes fixed on his face, his eyes were blood shot, wandering around. He said his last words,'I married you because my parents would have never approve this sexual orientation in me, and also I have a job where I'm supposed to work a bit low key and all. I will give you good money to do shopping or whatever each month, and in return you will take care of my parents, and my friends when they visit here, samjh gayi na?'
She wanted to say something but the talk was over before it started. She was able to see the extended tunnel, from her parents house to her husband's house to the unknown destination....and this time there was no light at the end.
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